
Threads Started: 9
Posts: 25
Strapline: Registered User


Re: How to Control Snoman at Cooler Static Grate

how much cooling zone required inside kiln? n how to maintain this limit of cooling zone

kiln inlet material flushing

friends sometimes material flushing start from kiln inlet seal which are very red hot material.... what are the posis...

Re: kiln dai

sir.  what are the benifits of these varaitions in kiln ID OF THIS PLANT.

Re: white cement

tanx for reply. sir what problems can create coal if v use coal as fuel 4 white cement

Re: Kiln

plz avisgop send to me also.

kiln dai

friends i m confused about kiln dai. is kiln daimeter remained uniform throghout kiln length.

Re: power consumption in cement plant

sir plz also send me.

white cement

hello friends. friends mostly in our land for white cement kiln we use furnace oil or gas for burning. can we use coa...

Re: Kiln

ted brother plz explain it.  high calcination degree could also mean that the burning zone is probably too long, s...

Re: Kiln

tanx ted and mohan brothers.    sir any thumb rule for finding length of  burning zone?      sir if we have ball mill...