28 posts
TimePosted 29/12/2008 10:42:23
David says

SO3/Alkali Ratio

Hey, Our kiln is 4000 tpd with preheater and bypass system, last few months the coating in the smoke box increased and become very hard, by checking the SO3/ Alkail ratio in the hot meal we found that the ratio is high (1.9 to 2.2) although the ratio our kiln feed is only 0.75. My question is what should we do to reduce this ratio? shall we increase the dilution of bypass or reducing it?



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Michael Clark
324 posts
TimePosted 30/12/2008 15:16:55

Re: SO3/Alkali Ratio

Adjusting the bypass will have little affect on the SO3 cycles. You need to check for reducing burning conditions in the kiln and increase the excess oxygen at the kiln inlet.

Dr Michael Clark
