239 posts
TimePosted 29/12/2009 02:32:44
xxxx says

coal firing vs LNG firing

what is the advantage & disadvantage if we change coal firing to LNG with the same burner & kiln system?

Is the impact same for SP kiln & PC kiln?

Is the impact same for ILC & SLC kiln

Is the impact same for Unax cooler kiln?

What will happen to production change in %, KCAl/Kg Clinker & clinker quality?

What actions has to be taken in Raw mix?

What is the Immisivity cahnge for flame?

What is the impact on kiln operation?

Please do write in detail.





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77 posts
TimePosted 30/12/2009 07:48:31
Vikpro says

Re: coal firing vs LNG firing

Dear Mr. Rajesh,

Your question - switch over effect of Coal firing to Gas firing.

- You have to change raw meal design whenever you change fuel,

- Big ball formation & Ring formation in kiln.

- reduction in production due to high gas volume. 

- High ID fan inlet temperature.

- High free lime

If you want full report of post gas firing effects with cost calculation, please contact  me --



Michael Clark
324 posts
TimePosted 30/12/2009 10:12:53

Re: coal firing vs LNG firing

The same burner as coal will not fire liquid natural gas. The differences will be in the volume of conbustion product gases and the brightness and therefore heat transfer from the flame. Dependent on the particular kiln either or both of these might result in a decrease in output, increase in thermal energy consumption. The lower heat trabnsfer from the flame might be detrimental to clinker quality. There is no reason to suppose that the effects will be different on an SP or PC kiln, or an ILC or SLC kiln, or dependent on the cooler type.
