31 posts
TimePosted 11/08/2011 06:59:52
yadavd says

Re: Cement Strength


First of all a gentle wish and in above matter i want to say if alkali content in our cement is high than S.D will be higher but by means of fineness we can maintani difference low


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Raj Sahu
198 posts
TimePosted 11/08/2011 11:27:52
Raj Sahu says

Re: Cement Strength

Most appropriate reply will be ,lmit for Alkali in clinker to assure good quality : Na2O + K2O = 1.5%.

You should also first read the significance of Standard Deviation (S.D.) as it is difficult to understand your question.


Cement Viet Nam
18 posts
TimePosted 16/08/2011 08:06:13

Re: Cement Strength

Hi Mr Ted,

Would you please to send that detailed reply at the email tuanbk06@gmail.com.

Thank you so much .


Cement Viet Nam
18 posts
TimePosted 17/08/2011 09:00:51

Re: Cement Strength

 Hi Mr Ted !

i received the email of you, thank you so much for sharing me that document 
