3 posts
TimePosted 10/04/2017 14:23:21
ainkaya says

biomass usage


I am Ayhan. I am working in a cement plant in Turkey. My company want to use biomass as an alternative fuels. Is there anyone who use biomass as an alternative fuel.Thank you


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1 posts
TimePosted 02/05/2017 09:56:19
WiZi says

re biomass usage


I have been active in utlization of biomass on several plants, the latest project at Messebo Cement in Ethopia. From my experience I can tell you that the system design, the impact of using biomass and operational data cannot be compared between the different cement plants as there are too many vaiarables to be considered. For a structured approached I recommend to take the following steps

  • evaluate the biomass avalable; chemistry, moisture, ash-content, availibility
  • perform a combustion gas analysis; allow a 2% increased Oxygen level at the kiln inlet
  • evaluate the raw mix design considering ash from biomass
  • evaluate possible increased combustion gas volume may have on your production
  • evaluate possible influence on internal sulfur and chloride cycles (more important on RDF utilisation)
  • based on the result of the above compile specification on biomass material and alternative fuel preparation system

If you need a more detailed information I can send you data sheets to be filled in for me to perform a preliminary investigation.

Best of success for your project.
