Recent order for FLSmidth, India

Recent order for FLSmidth, India
28 May 2011

FLSmidth has won its first order for design, manufacture and supply of a Liquid Alternative Fuel Solution from an Indian customer, My Home Industries Limited, Andhra Pradesh. This order is the first of its kind for FLSmidth.

My Home Industries Limited ( MHIL), together with the Irish CRH group who are the strategic partners of My home Group, intended to make use of the liquid wastes generated in pharmaceutical industries located in and around Hyderabad in India. Generally, these ”Liquid Recovered Fuels” (LRF) contain higher calorific value and are expected to burn completely when fired appropriately.

My Home Industries approached FLSmidth for providing a solution for a handling and a dosing system for such Liquid Recovered Fuels (LRF). The identified LRF are hazardous in nature and can evaporate at a faster rate. Hence a high degree of safety is considered in the design of the handling and dosing equipments.

FLSmidth will provide a solution for firing LRF in the pyro systems of two out of three production lines at the MHIL Melacheruvu cement plant. Apart from design, manufacture and supply of the equipment, FLSmidth will also help MHIL organise a hazard and operability study (HAZOP) to ensure proper safety compliance. Pharmaceutical wastes are hazardous and pharma units have limitations on the disposal of such liquid wastes. Innovative ideas like re-using these liquid wastes in cement plants can lower the disposal problems for such chemical industries.

The customer’s confidence in FLSmidth’s potential, continuous support and knowledge sharing between FLSmidth in India and Denmark has contributed towards this order. This project shall serve as a reference for such systems in the future within India as well as on a global scale
Published under Cement News