1156 posts
TimePosted 22/08/2006 10:21:27
admin says

Preheaters Question 9

Our preheater surging regularly. This is happening on a irregular basis. We suspect it is coming from cyclone No 2. We have investigated and have taken several actions. Unfortunately, we were unable to resolve it. Actions taken were as follows:
1. Damper adjustment
2. Check feeding system
3. Effects from other cyclones
4. Preheater riser duct buildup
5. Splash plate adjustment/buildup
We also include some technical data as an attachment.


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1156 posts
TimePosted 22/08/2006 10:21:27
admin says

Re: Preheaters

Please ask the laboratory to check the LOI in C1A, C1B and C2 again. The reported LOI in C2 is higher than in the C1 cyclones. This is difficult to explain unless you have some water injection into C2 cyclone or other special process feature. In order to calculate the cyclone efficiencies the LOI should reduce in each successive cyclone down the preheater.I also suggest that the LOI at 600 degrees C be measured in addition to the LOI at 1000 degrees C. This will tell us whether there is any hydrate or organic carbon present in the kiln feed. Finally we must have the dust LOI to calculate the efficiency of the C1 cyclones.


1156 posts
TimePosted 22/08/2006 10:21:27
admin says

Preheaters Question 10

Why does false air infiltration from the bottom stage of a preheater tower increase tower temperature, but in top stage decrease the tower temperature. The preheater system is SLC-S supplied by Fuller. We understand this is a common phenomenon for any other system like ILC, SLC or SLC.


1156 posts
TimePosted 22/08/2006 10:21:27
admin says

Re: Preheaters

I have not observed this phenomenon, however it is perhaps connected with the additional draft that is required to keep the kiln hood under suction when there is inleak in the bottom stage of the preheater. This would cause the thermal energy from the calciner to be drawn up the preheater. Conversely when the inleak is in the cyclones above the calciner then the inleak makes no difference to the draft on the calciner.
