International Cement Review articles tagged under : Market Reports

18 September 2024

Vietnam looks to 2025 recovery

Vietnam’s cement demand has continued to fall in 2024 and a recovery is not expected until 2025. While domestic cement sales are forecast to recover only gradually, cement producers can look forward to a faster pick-up in export sales. By Anh Nguyen, FiinGroup, Vietnam While 2024 is expected to remain challenging for Vietnam’s cement producers, next year is anticipated to bring gr...

03 September 2024

USA imports back on top

While cement and clinker imports into the USA saw robust growth in 2021-22, last year import growth was largely absent. Nevertheless, the country regained its position as the world’s top cement and clinker importer....

03 September 2024 Muriel Bal

Colombia’s drive to decarbonise

As green shoots appear in the Colombian economy and the construction sector looks forward to new growth, particularly in the civil works sector, cement companies are hoping they have seen the back of the recent two-...

05 August 2024

Kazakhstan’s continued challenge

While a positive economic forecast and plans to expand the country's infrastructure and housing are expected to support Kazakh cement producers, domestic and regional overcapacity as well as increasing costs are envi...

Ecuador: en route to decarbonisation 05 August 2024

Ecuador: en route to decarbonisation

The Ecuadorian Cement and Concrete Institute (INECYC) recently launched its decarbonisation road map in collaboration with FICEM, the Interamerican cement federation. With the publication of this document, the countr...

01 August 2024

Indian cement production may need to expand quicker to meet demand

Indian cement consumption is expected to remain robust this year. The rainy season will weigh on demand somewhat in the near term, but fundamentals are strong for a solid resumption in demand. According to ICR Resear...

Brazil’s better tomorrow 15 July 2024

Brazil’s better tomorrow

After a challenging few years, the outlook for the Brazilian cement industry is improving with renewed public investment in infrastructure and housing expected to generate moderate growth of cement demand. Private in...

01 July 2024

A tough time for China

The world’s largest cement-producing country and market has seen demand fall significantly while issues of overcapacity persist. While the sector aims to reduce oversupply, it also needs reform to meet the country’s ...

25 June 2024 Suzanne Starbuck

Renewed hope for Nigeria

Nigeria’s incoming president has his work cut out, faced with a worsening security situation, accelerating inflation, declining oil revenues and food insecurity. After some bold moves, his economic choices appear to ...

03 June 2024

Indonesia: strengthening its green agenda

As the Indonesian cement market returns to growth, driven by an expanding economy, the country’s cement industry is developing its plants to become more sustainable. By ICR Research, UK Indonesia’s industry le...

20 May 2024

Tanzania’s transformation

Tanzania’s GDP has proven robust and is growing, resulting in major government infrastructure construction projects. This infrastructural transformation is boosting domestic cement demand but operational challenges ...

29 April 2024

US cement outlook

The US economy is strong. While PCA never bought into a recession scenario, its Fall Forecast (early October 2023) expected a modest economic growth slowdown. Data released following the forecast has been consistent...

24 April 2024

Emissions and impacts of waste at disposal sites

With population increase comes greater waste generation. This results in a series of environmental, climate and health impacts at disposal sites, such as leachate and gas emissions. The study presented below describ...

18 April 2024

Iraq: time for growth?

Iraq is starting to see investment and action in the construction sector led by higher cement demand. The country’s government is pushing its agenda for new infrastructure and for the doubling of cement capacity. ...

15 April 2024

Achieving critical Mass in Iraq’s cement industry

The Mass Cement plant is one of several located in the Bazian area in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. As an established cement plant and the largest in the country, it has been under strict environmental performance r...

02 April 2024

Eastern Europe’s bid for growth

ICR has been assessing the eastern European cement markets of Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania. While decarbonisation is a central theme of all European cement markets, producers are also looking to improve plant ...