International Cement Review Magazine - Back Issues
You can now access many years of back issues from International Cement Review using the links below.
ICR September 2024
Ahead of Cemtech Europe, there is optimism for the Polish cement sector. ICR interviews Dr Avi Shultz, US Department of Energy’s IEDO. VDZ looks at German CO2 infrastructure.
ICR August 2024
ICR reviews the top cement producers’ corporate year, while CMPRO and QazCem consider the Kazakhstan market. Meanwhile, Ecuador has launched its decarbonisation roadmap.
ICR July 2024
China’s cement industry targets low emissions. ICR reviews new plant projects, including BUA Cement’s Sokoto Line 5. Meanwhile, FIDEtechnology introduces new grinding technology.
ICR June 2024
ICR reviews the Indonesian and Nigerian markets. Asia Cement restores biodiversity, Di Matteo talks dosing, and Malvern Panalytical and Online Control optimise Ciments Vigier’s raw mill.
ICR May 2024
ICR features the US Northern Rockies and an interview with Massimo Toso, CEO and president of Buzzi Unicem USA. ICR also highlights Holcim Ste Genevieve’s expansion project.
ICR April 2024
ICR speaks with José Maria Magrina, CEO of Heidelberg Materials. Coolbrook and SaltX Technologies prepare to scale-up electric kilns, while market reports cover eastern Europe and Iraq.
ICR March 2024
ICR interviews Mehmet Ali Ceylan, Medcem’s CEO. Mannok Cement installs FLSmidth’s FUELFLEX® Pyrolyzer and Mexico moves ahead on its decarbonisation path.
ICR February 2024
The Gulf Cooperation Council region looks to rebuild cement demand, CBMI converts a grey cement line to white production in Algeria and Gebr Pfeiffer delivers a new vertical roller mill to SemeyCement, Kazakhstan.
ICR January 2024
BNP Paribas Exane previews the cement sector in 2024, while ICR reviews the world’s carbon capture projects. Thailand’s industry transitions to low-emissions and digital twin technology is explored.
ICR December 2023
EFG Hermes assesses Nigeria’s cement sector, PT Cemindo Gemilang optimises its Bayah plant and Sika Services reveals the potential of 3D concrete printing.
ICR November 2023
Prime Securities reviews the benefits of Egypt’s quota system and ICR features leading CO2 capture projects from Heidelberg Materials, NEXE and HERCCULES.
ICR October Issue
Germany tackles CO2 reduction and Australia invests in grinding facilities. ICR chats to First Graphene’s CEO about trials at Hope Cement and CEMEX talks water management.
ICR September Issue
Türkçimento outlines reconstruction plans in Turkey following the earthquakes. Mitsubishi and Hanson UK talk about carbon capture at Padeswood while TPI Polene establishes its goal to reach net zero in 2043.
ICR August 2023
In August Brazil’s cement market and the annual multinational corporate profiles head up a packed Latin American issue. ICR also features a China cement industry review and Holcim’s calcined clay project at Saint-Pierre-la-Cour.
ICR July Issue
ICR July reviews the latest global cement plant orders, while ASOCEM focusses on Peru’s cement sector. KHD Humboldt Wedag looks at alternative fuels in Asia and the WCA investigates NOx reduction.
ICR June Issue
Pablo Hofelich, thyssenkrupp Polysius CEO, talks decarbonisation. ICR visits the Cam Pha cement plant while FiinGroup reviews Vietnam’s cement sector in anticipation of Cemtech Asia 2023.
ICR May Issue
EBL Securities assesses Bangladesh’s cement industry and ICR interviews Onur Atakay from Sintek. Hydrogen applications are explored by NovoHydrogen while Titan America reports on its cement terminal upgrades.
ICR April Issue
ICR interviews Grant Quasha, CEO of Eco Materials Technologies, and highlights US southwest-central markets. FLSmidth grinds PLC and thyssenkrupp installs a polytrack cooler in Germany.
ICR March 2023
ICR discusses ‘Plants of Tomorrow’ technology with Juan Romero of Holcim, Ciments Calcia digitises its rail transport and Avesta Investment Group analyses cement production in Uzbekistan.
ICR February 2023
ICR visits Green Cement Factory LLC in Dubai and features the GCC, Libyan and Algerian cement markets. A3 & Co considers decarbonisation in the built environment.
ICR January 2023
ICR welcomes the New Year in with BNP Paribas Exane’s cement sector overview, MalvernPanalytical’s Industry 4.0 outlook, Loma Negra L’Amalí Line II as well as Polish and Indonesian market reviews.
ICR December Issue
Optimitive and Titan Cement explain closed-loop AI. Holcim and Heidelberg Materials’ decarbonisation paths are reviewed, and we look at the cement industries of Nigeria and Colombia.
ICR November 2022
ICR interviews Jayakumar Krishnaswamy, MD of Nuvoco Vistas. CEMEX explores low-carbon transport while Calderys and HarbisonWalker International develop alkali-resistant refractories.
ICR October Issue
ICR October reports on Germany’s decarbonisation drive and on sustainability projects of its producers. Smart plants and energy efficiency as well as ball mills are also taking centre stage.
ICR September Issue
Oficemen outlines Spain’s road to net zero, ICR learns of Ecocem’s ultra-low cement mega projects and Cementos Molins welcomes readers to its Sant Vicenç dels Horts plant.
ICR August Issue
August’s ICR issue features our annual corporate profiles of the top six multinationals. SNIC highlights Brazil’s cement market and Cementos Argos showcases its Cartagena cement terminal in Colombia.
ICR July Issue
ICR reports on the latest plant projects and Mexico’s cement sector while CEO Carlos Choy talks about Caliza Cemento INKA’s achievements and plans. Calcined clays and grinding aids form the issue’s technical backbone.
ICR June Issue
Schneider Electric talks to ICR on next-generation plants, while LEK Consulting reports on Indonesia’s cement sector. Cemex summarises its quarry rehabilitation projects and Adbri Ltd describes its Kwinana grinding terminal.
ICR May 2022
ICR interviews Cemex CEO, Fernando A González. Furthermore, ROI Consulting reviews three southwest US states and HeidelbergCement details its US$600m Mitchell plant modernisation project.
ICR April Issue
The Chinese Cement Association reports on the industry’s efforts to decarbonise, while Ukrcement details Ukraine cement sector. ICR also has a special report on CCUS projects and an interview with Oficemen.
ICR March 2022
The Japan Credit Association reports on how domestic cement producers are accelerating decarbonisation, while ICR interviews Christian Pfeiffer MD, Martin Paterson, as well as Ecocem’s MD, Conor O’Riain, and Union Cement CEO, Vijay Somani.
ICR February 2022
U-Capital checks GCC cement prospects on the back of surging oil prices. Industry Insight outlines challenges in South Africa’s cement market while Black Rock discusses African cement and clinker trade.
ICR January 2022
New plant projects, DSG Consultant's Mediterranean clinker and cement trade review and the GCCA's Roadmap bring in the New Year, along with a special profile of Medcem Cement in Turkey.
ICR December 2021
Siemens looks at the future of digitalisation, while EFG Hermes checks on capacity additions in Nigeria. In the UK, ICR reviews the cement sector’s decarbonisation goals and revisits the history of Blue Circle.
ICR November Issue
ICR reports on Cemtech’s “Decarbonising the Cement Industry” virtual event and analyses India’s potential for cement growth. Rockwell Automation’s energy consumption methods are also discussed.
ICR October Issue
VDZ outlines the German cement sector’s decarbonisation strategy, Eggersmann talks about a new MSW processing facility in Iraq and TURKCIMENTO reports on why cement producers are looking closely at EU climate investments.
ICR September 2021
Europe’s transition to green cement is key in ICR’s September issue as we interview Carbon Clean’s CEO and see decarbonising the cement sector is also on the minds of Exane BNP Paribas, Chryso, Air Products and others.
ICR August 2021
In this issue we highlight calcined clays with FLSmidth, Carlos Aramburo, Dynamis and FCT Combustion. ICR interviews Cementir, and provides insights on Brazil and Peru’s cement markets.
ICR July Issue
ICR reviews new plant projects, while Credit Suisse explains what is propping up cement demand in Mexico and Claudius Peters details its packaging solutions for LafargeHolcim’s Mérida plant.
ICR June 2021
Attijari Global Research provides an update on Morocco’s cement sector, Maschinenfabrik Köppern GmbH improves roller press performance with separator upgrade and Area Impianti reviews NOx abatement solutions.
ICR May 2021
ICR looks at the construction spending outlook for cement demand in Florida, and LafargeHolcim talks on more-sustainable cement production. FLSmidth tackles the complexities of alternative fuels planning in North America.
ICR April 2021
GS Expert reviews the prospects for an upturn in Russian cement, Cem’In’EU reports on its new Rhône Ciments grinding plant and FLSmidth launches ECS/ProcessExpert® V8.5.
ICR March 2021
In this issue, ICR reports on China’s commitment to move past ‘peak carbon’ and GS-Expert reviews the central Asian markets of Kyrgyz Republic and Uzbekistan.
ICR February 2021
ICR speaks exclusively to Solomon Baumgartner-Aviles, CEO of Lafarge Egypt. Kuwait’s cement industry is also in focus, while CBMI Construction outlines its 2x6000tpd Biskria Cement project.
ICR January 2021
ICR highlights newly-completed cement plant projects and Afrinvest reports on Nigeria’s bustling cement market. We also have an exclusive interview with Adam Auer, president of the Cement Association of Canada.
ICR December 2020
In this issue Holtec Consulting explores the Philippines cement market, while ICR reports on Republic Cement’s ecoloop initiative. Meanwhile, McKinsey & Co Inc looks at the 21st century cement plant.
ICR November 2020
ICR November 2020 discusses India’s historic fall in cement demand in FY21, EFG Hermes investigates Saudi Arabia’s long-term potential and Cemtech reports on its first virtual conference on decarbonising the cement industry.
ICR October 2020
ICR October Issue reports on Germany’s recent investments in the cement sector and Limak Holding assesses the disruption to Côte d’Ivoire’s cement market by the pandemic. We also interview Papua New Guinea’s latest plant builders.
ICR September 2020
Oficemen extols the virtues of Spanish cement’s digital future, Syndicat Français de I’Industrie Cimentière reports on the French sector post-lockdown and TÇMB updates readers on Turkey’s flourishing exports.
ICR August 2020
ICR interviews Flavio Aidar, CEO of InterCement, and reviews Brazil’s cement market as it looks to the government stimulus package. The August issue also includes the corporate profiles of the leading cement companies.
ICR July 2020
This issue has an exclusive report by Japan Credit Agency on the Japanese cement market, while DSG Consultants analyse trading in the Mediterranean. ICR’s new plant completions round-up includes news on the latest greenfield projects.
ICR June 2020
The June Issue leads with a review of the Malaysian cement market by LEK Consulting. Furthermore, ICR speaks to Dr Weiping Ma, CEO of West China Cement, and reports on the impact of COVID-19 on demand and pricing.
ICR May Issue
In this issue we report on Colombia’s growing cement capacity, while our Nordic review charts cement demand in northern Europe. ICR also has interviews with HeidelbergCement and the GCCA.
ICR April 2020
In this issue we highlight the southwest US states, while the PCA’s Ed Sullivan provides a US economic outlook. GS-Expert LLC considers Russia’s target cement growth in 2020. King & Spalding LLP investigates carbon border taxes.
ICR March 2020
In this issue ICR features an exclusive interview with Dengbang Gao, chairman of Conch Group. FLSmidth's CEO, Thomas Schulz, launches Mission Zero and Annexure Financial Solutions details the Uzbekistan cement market.
ICR February 2020
Following the publication of The Global Cement Report, 13th Edition, ICR February 2020 reviews the state of the industry. U-Capital assesses the GCC region and ICR interviews Philipp Leutiger on LafargeHolcim’s ‘Plants of Tomorrow’.
ICR January 2020
S&P Global Ratings reviews Mexico’s cement market, while ICR looks at the job of rebuilding Iraq. Khaled El Dokani, Lafarge Iraq CEO is also interviewed along with Ian Riley of the World Cement Association.
ICR December 2019
ICR interviews McInnis Cement’s management team on its North American distribution network and talks to Franz-W Aumund, president of Aumund Group, on the company’s approaching centenary.
ICR November 2019
ICR reviews India’s April-June performance, while Al-Rajhi Capital looks at the Saudi cement market. Thyssenkrupp reveals the new 2.2Mta Sigus cement plant in Algeria.
ICR October 2019
ICR interviews Ülkü Özcan, CEO of Çimsa, and the TCMB highlights the Turkish cement sector. In addition, ICR looks at Germany’s efficiency upgrades.
ICR September 2019
ICR interviews Raoul de Parisot, president of Cembureau, and Guy Sidos, chairman/CEO of Vicat Group. International reports focus on Poland’s fast-growing market and Senegal’s development strategy.
ICR August 2019
ICR August highlights corporate profiles of the leading multinationals, ADOCEM’s focus on investment in the Dominican Republic and an interview with Marcelo Castelli, Votorantim’s global CEO.
ICR July 2019
ICR reviews cement plant projects around the world. ICEM Co sees a bright future for Iran’s cement sector. Gebr Pfeiffer reports on its recent orders in Nepal as the country plans to expand its export operations.
ICR June 2019
LEK Consulting overviews the Southeast Asian cement sector ahead of Cemtech Asia 2019, while Standard Investment Bank analyses overcapacity in Kenya’s market. Siam City Cement discusses Thailand’s first smart plant.
ICR May 2019
ICR charts a course along the Central Plains’ modernised cement plants while Ed Sullivan of the PCA briefs readers on the US economic forecast. GCCA’s Claude Lorea and Andrew Minson are interviewed on CO2 emissions.
ICR April 2019
ICR interviews Pavlo Kachur, chairman of Ukrcement, ahead of UkrCemFor 2019. GS-Expert assesses when Russia’s cement market will pick up while Industrial Info Resources reports on Kazakhstan’s vibrant cement sector.
ICR March Issue
China’s attempt to balance cement demand and supply is reviewed, while LEK Consulting reports on South Korea’s consolidating cement sector. ICR interviews Boston Consulting on China’s One Belt, One Road’ programme.
ICR February Issue
U-Capital reviews the GCC cement sector, while Alpha Mena’s focus is on north African operations. ICR highlights Calix’s Direct Separation technology at Lixhe cement plant and Buzzi Unicem reflects on 25 years of the Horomill.
ICR January 2019
ICR reviews cement plant projects completed in 2018, while Dangote Cement reviews Rep Congo’s cement market. ICR also has an exclusive interview with MI Cement’s CEO and details the robust market of Bangladesh.
ICR December 2018
ROI Economic Consulting analyses the US coastal markets. ICR interviews Mikhail Skorokhod, Eurocement Holding AG’s President, and reviews Cemtech Europe 2018. Pakistan’s gateway to expansion is also highlighted.
ICR November 2018
This issue looks at India’s changing trajectory and Saudi Cement’s protracted market recovery. Mahendra Singh, Dalmia’s CEO, and Khaled Huraibat, Jordan’s Cement Producers’ Association chairman, also provide exclusive interviews.
ICR October 2018
Ahead of Cemtech Europe, TÇMB and the Turkish Exporters Association review the Turkish cement sector. Germany’s cement producers await public spending plans. Ssangyong Cement fits a new clinker cooler.
ICR September 2018
ICR visits the re-energised European cement sector and looks at the driving forces behind west Africa’s growing cement demand. Meanwhile, Ecocem opens its new Dunkirk grinding unit.
ICR August 2018
ICR August leads with an interview with FICEM President, Alejandro Ramirez Cantú, and reports on the expansion of South America’s cement industry. We also profile the top seven multinational cement producers.
ICR July 2018
ICR’s 30th Anniversary issue features exclusive interviews with Thomas Schmidheiny, LafargeHolcim’s Honorary Chairman, and Dr Bernd Scheifele, HeidelbergCement Chairman/CEO, plus manufacturing excellence and digitalisation.
ICR June 2018
In June, ICR talks to Raysut Cement’s new CEO, Joey Ghose. In the Balkans cement producers are set to benefit from lucrative EU investment, while in Vietnam capacity is set to rise again.
ICR May 2018
In this issue, Rob Roy Economic Consulting assesses the performance of southern US cement states. Meanwhile, Allen Hamblen, PCA Chairman, and Ed Sullivan, PCA Vice President and Chief Economist, talk to ICR.
ICR April 2018
DBS Vickers forecasts a better year for Chinese cement producers, while ICR has an exclusive interview with Li Yeqing, Huaxin Cement’s CEO. In addition, GS-Expert reflects on Russia’s attempts to stimulate cement demand.
ICR March 2018
The Indonesian Cement Association seeks solutions for the country’s overcapacity. ICR investigates China’s influence in central Asia and there is a detailed report on the new Sönmez Çimento terminal in Turkey.
ICR February 2018
The Gulf Cooperation Council States are reviewed by Ubhar Capital and ICR reflects on North African cement production. There is an exclusive plant report on Shree Cement’s Bulandshahr plant and McKinsey & Co looks for value creation.
ICR January 2018
ICR looks at reasons why the Philippines wants to ‘Build, build, build’. We have an exclusive interview from Aggregate Industries’ Cauldon plant manager and a portfolio of newly-completed cement plant projects.
ICR December 2017
Africa Consulting Services reviews the growth forecasts and intensified competition in west Africa, while ROI Economic Consulting explores the USA’s role in cement trade and there is a special insight into Gambia’s market.
ICR November 2017
ICR November highlights the Indian and Egyptian cement sectors as well as revealing Cementos Argos’ concept of value creation. In addition, there are reviews of the FICEM 2017 conference and the Loesche symposium.
ICR October 2017
In this issue we have a special report on the German cement sector. The TÇMB explores Turkish cement’s reliance on government spending, while Howe Robinson Partners (UK) analyses the freight markets.
ICR September 2017
Headlining September’s ICR issue is central Europe’s recovering cement consumption and Standard Investment Bank’s assessment of east African markets.
ICR August 2017
ICR reports on the performance of the top six cement multinationals. Ahead of FICEM APCAC, it also looks at the new entrants in South American markets, plus a review of Caribbean activities.
ICR July 2017
ICR researches the latest new cement plant capacity projects and surveys South Africa’s crowded industry. PPC provides an insight into its Slurry Kiln 9 project and AfriSam reveals its new Lesotho facility.
ICR June 2017
In this issue we explore the regional expansion in Southeast Asia, while Lafis uncovers the prospects for renewed growth in Brazil’s cement market. ICR interviews Titan-owned Cimento Apodi.
ICR May 2017
May ICR investigates Canadian and US trade, and highlights the LafargeHolcim Exshaw IEEE plant tour project. Canada’s cement association focusses on low-carbon fuel barriers.
ICR April 2017
ICR April features a Russian market update from GS Expert along with a report on Indonesia’s mounting cement capacity by equity analyst Sinarmas Sekuritas.
ICR March 2017
ICR’s March issue has an exclusive Chinese cement market report from DBS Vickers, an interview with the founder of Georgia Cement, plus an outlook for the Iranian cement industry and lots more.
ICR February 2017
ICR highlights Algeria’s rapidly-growing cement capacity, while Ubhar Capital outlines cement trends in the Gulf Cooperation Council region, ahead of the Cemtech MEA conference in Dubai.
ICR January 2017
Newly-completed plant projects and a global market overview from HSBC head up ICR January’s issue. The Colombian market is profiled by Bancolombia and there is an exclusive interview with GCC America.
ICR December 2016
ICR highlights the commissioning of the modernised Hagerstown plant with a LafargeHolcim USA interview. Central American and Japanese cement markets take stock of changing demand.
ICR November 2016
Riyad Capital investigates cut-backs in Saudi Arabia’s construction, while Bloominvest Bank charts Lebanese producers’ need for efficiency gains. ICR also considers the reasons for India’s growth expectations.
ICR October 2016
ICR October investigates German cement consumption and Kazakhstan’s building vision. Arabian Cement management in Egypt provides an exclusive interview. CDP takes stock of the sustainability efforts of multinational companies.
ICR September 2016
Bernard Mathieu, LafargeHolcim’s Head of Sustainability, gives an exclusive interview to ICR. Cembureau provides an assessment of the European cement markets while ICR reports on Egypt and the UK after Brexit.
ICR August 2016
This issue features the corporate profiles of the leading global producers and an exclusive interview with Juan Esteban Calle, CEO of Cementos Argos. We also look at Ecuador's cement industry as the earthquake-hit country rebuilds.
ICR July 2016
ICR July rounds up new plant projects, considers the latest developments in west Africa and includes an exclusive feature by the Turkish cement association. Holcim (New Zealand) showcases two new terminals.
ICR June 2016
StoxPlus analyses Vietnam’s Master Plan while Jakarta Advisory provides a southeast Asia review. ICR also interviews PT Indocement’s CEO. Meanwhile, LAFIS explains what’s in store for the Brazilian producers.