Ensuring IT security

Published 13 September 2017

Tagged Under: cyber security IT 

The role of security is becoming increasingly important for companies looking to gain control over their IT landscape. By identifying vulnerabilities in existing technical architecture, absolute control and security can be obtained to increase network safety. By Oliver Kurtnacker, Axians Industrial Applications & Services, Germany.

Enabling lasting, effective and efficient control and monitoring of your IT network

Picture the following scenario: you set up a network and subsequently don’t pay any attention to its maintenance. Then imagine an acquaintance from your network empowers your contacts and plays them against you. Or imagine you are allowing users access to your network or other (unrecognised or unregistered) devices but do not pay attention to the type of access rights. Imagine you did not protect all URLs in your company with certificates and allowed easy access to your network. If all these points are taken together, or even looked at individually, control of your network is lost – a situation that you must face and counteract.

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