1156 posts
TimePosted 22/08/2006 10:21:26
admin says

Pollution control Question 19

I'm working in a cement plant established at 1984, two lines with dry processing technology, the plant faces so many conflicts, major parts are not from the source company, for example the dust separator doesn't work at all, so many efforts carried out with no result, also the computerised analysis system with daily production reports does not work either. The plant uses oil for heating up, there is a factor normally set at 1.64 which is a standard in cement production, but now it has been elevated to 1.90. After how many years how could the 1.64 could be increased to 1.90.


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1156 posts
TimePosted 22/08/2006 10:21:26
admin says

Re: Pollution control

The factor of 1.64 you refer to is the raw mix to clinker factor taking into consideration dust losses from the preheater. If you have very high dust losses then this factor might need to be higher. However to justify a factor of 1.90 the dust losses will need to be in the region of 30 per cent of the feed to the top of the preheater. If this is the case and your dust collector is not working the pollution must be terrible.


1156 posts
TimePosted 22/08/2006 10:21:26
admin says

Pollution control Question 20

Is silicosis a potential hazard in cement manufacturing? If so, what kind of protective measures should be taken?


1156 posts
TimePosted 22/08/2006 10:21:26
admin says

Re: Pollution control

Whether silicosis is a hazard of cement manufacturing depends on whether there is free silica in the raw materials. However, whether there is free silica or not workers should avoid breathing any dust into their lungs. Dust mask should be worn wherever there are high dust levels. There is no free silica in the cement final product.
