17 posts
TimePosted 12/01/2011 09:04:30
B.P.Jain says

Re: Is this Decision Right........?

I agree that firing should be stopped and let kiln cool down. Keeping flam going on such a long time is not good for brick lineing of kiln. let firing be restared after clearance from mechanical dept.


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Bhaskar Agate
84 posts
TimePosted 12/01/2011 09:41:05

Re: Is this Decision Right........?

Keeping in view the safety of equipment,personals and incurring losses the decision is absolutely wrong.

Such story is not repeated in future. 


fluence sysbacip
46 posts
TimePosted 16/01/2011 08:52:03

Re: Is this Decision Right........?

Dear Mr.Azhar.


Im totally against the decesion of your senior now a days energy efficiency is one of the major concern in cement plant.i dont know why they make such decesion.


kind regards,


Asif ali


108 posts
TimePosted 29/01/2011 06:44:53
Dastgir says

Re: Is this Decision Right........?

Dear Azhar,

Please ask your seniors the logic behind their decision. We may get something new to know about.

Gulam Dastgir

