31 posts
TimePosted 19/09/2011 11:06:43
yadavd says

Re: Silica vs. Free CaO

If you increase LSF there is possibility of increasing free lime ,to compensate you can grind Raw Meal finer this will increase rate of CaO absorption i.e lowring free lime


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Ted Krapkat
537 posts
TimePosted 20/09/2011 06:25:23

Re: Silica vs. Free CaO

Because here in our plant we increased our LSF(i.e by adding more limestone) in order to lower the percentage of silica. Is this correct?


Hello Norew,

What was the purpose of lowering the percentage of silica?

As GSMS has correctly explained, it is the LSF and SR that govern the chemistry component of the burnability equation. However there is an equally, if not more important physical component of burnability... the particle size of the calcite and quartz.

Even though SR has a more pronounced effect on burnability than LSF, if you lower the SR while increasing the LSF,  the two will tend to counteract each other somewhat and you probably won't get the magnitude of free lime improvement you expected.

However, I suspect that you were lowering total silica content in an attempt to lower the coarse quartz component. Is that correct? 





99 posts
TimePosted 21/09/2011 05:20:41
norew says

Re: Silica vs. Free CaO

The silica content is 25% and free lime is still above 2% so I lowered the silica and retained the titration target of raw mix of 75.5%CaCO3, later I was told that my target is very low in relation to silica content..was I wrong of not increasing my titration target?


Ted Krapkat
537 posts
TimePosted 21/09/2011 06:25:46

Re: Silica vs. Free CaO

Hello Norew,

What is the LSF, SR and AR of both your raw meal and clinker, before and after the change?



