ILA General Assembly and Information Exchange Forum

The International Lime Association will be hosting the ILA General Assembly and Information Exchange Forum in Cape Town, South Africa between 10-12 October 2018.

This year's ILA General Assembly and Information Exchange Forum will take place from October 10th- 12th, 2018 in Cape Town, South Africa. The ILA annual meeting provides a valuable communication framework for the global lime industry to exchange information, knowledge and experiences.
In Cape Town, more than 150 experts and suppliers from over 20 countries of all ILA regions worldwide will come together and discuss special topics and issues within the fields of health & safety, environmental protection, CO2 emission reduction, carbon capture and utilization (CCU), Internet of things, technology and standardization. The ILA General Assembly will be accompanied by an exhibition of international suppliers, equipment and component manufactures.

For more information vist: ILA