1 posts
TimePosted 26/04/2007 10:23:09
julien says

chromium VI in cement


My name is Julien GUIGANTI and I am a french student. I need an information for a study about the worldwide chromium 6 use.

I send you this e-mail in order to know if countries except European ones have already adopted a law to limit the rate of chromium 6 in their cement? 

If the answer is yes, can you describe me the law with the maximum authorized rate ?

If the answer is no, do you know if such a law is studied and when this law will probably be voted?

 I hope that you can answer me.

Kind Regards




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Michael Clark
324 posts
TimePosted 27/04/2007 10:17:43

Re: chromium VI in cement


I do not know of anywhere outside Europe where they are considering imposing limits on the chromium 6 content of cement as is the case in Europe.


