Richard BDA
1 posts
TimePosted 15/05/2008 14:58:33

Inquiry - cement 42.5

We require portland cement 42.5, 150,000mt, LOI and BCL ready. Send us your quotations with price list and specifications to Please, only direct suppliers, producers or mandates. Thank you


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3 posts
TimePosted 04/06/2008 08:31:09

Inquiry - cement 42.5


My name is Mr Darlington Oseghale from ESM Logistics. I read your posting and we are ready to supply you with the exact quantity you need and the specifications.

 I would also like you to send me an ( LOI ) and let us have a detailed information of what you need.

Darlington Oseghale,
Esm Logistics
Tel:+27 729 849 165
Fax:+27 866 956 738
