2 posts
TimePosted 13/10/2008 03:50:23

Cement to Dubai and anywhere else in the world

We operate in large quantities only and have the capacity to provide up to 18 Million MT per year from 16 different mills across the world (Except China and Indonesia).

We operate at a minimum of 300,000 MT per year and only work on 12 months contract, no spot deals, and no multi term contracts.

Our prices range based on the amount of cement needed and are much lower than the competition, all our prices include shipping and insurance (paid by us). The price you receive is the final price and will not change from the disclosed price on the FCO.

We provide any grade cement 32.5/ 42.5/ 52.5 and can offer POP (proof of purchase) and GHOST certificates upon request (add $20 per MT)

We can ship to any authorized port in the world and accept payment through an authorized LOC from a top 50 world bank.

If you are ready to start the process, please forward us a specific LOI (with banking coordinates) and be specific if you have any special requests (bag sizes, lettering, ingredients etc...)

Once we receive an LOI and an attached BCL (letter of credit), we will be able to accurately soft quote your low price.

Ahmad Zazai






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