16 posts
TimePosted 26/02/2010 15:08:48
fac09 says

Bulk Density out of Range


When trying to verify book inventory against silo measurements, the only way for us to match the book tonnage is to have the bulk density go out of range. For example, normal range is 66-88 lb/ft3. Well, in order to make my inventory with the silo I need to use a density of 97 lb/ft3.

To me, this makes sense because the material is compacting further as the silo gets fuller, the question is however, if it is possible for the material density to increase all the way to 97 lb/ft3. In this case the material is fly ash, however we are experiencing the same problem with other additives and types of cement.



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Michael Clark
324 posts
TimePosted 04/03/2010 10:31:11

Re: Bulk Density out of Range

This sounds unlikely. How is the book inventory arrived at? Does the variation show any correlation with the levels in the silos?


16 posts
TimePosted 04/03/2010 17:34:57
fac09 says

Re: Bulk Density out of Range

Dear Mr. Clark,

Book inventory is arrived at by billed rail car tonnage.

We filled an empty silo and the initial measurements correlated to the car billed tonnage, and then as we continued filling the silo then our inventory starts deviating.


