Van Tiep
1 posts
TimePosted 21/04/2017 02:21:36
Van Tiep says

Ball mill

I have a ball mill grinding cement, Ø3,8 x 14 m, close ciruit process with OSEPA separator N2000. Ball charge of compartment I is Ø 90, 80, 70, 60 mm, and ball charging for compartment II is ball sizes Ø 60, 50, 40, 30, 25, 20 mm.

At this ball charge, Blaine of discharge mill out is 2000 cm2/g while the separator rẹject blaine is 1000 cm2/g.

Recent, I has conversion ball mixture of compartment II to Ø 25, and < Ø 25 mm. Blaine of discharge mill out now is 2800 cm2/g while the separator rẹject blaine is 1800 cm2/g. Anyone know, just help me down the separator reject blaine to 1000 cm2/g.

Sincerely Thanks



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