Supplier Directory / PROMECON process measurement control GmbH

PROMECON process measurement control GmbH
Steinfeldstr. 5
Barleben 39179 Germany
PROMECON is the leading solution provider for process optimization in combustion, grinding, cooling, heating and drying processes in the cement industry.
The application knowledge of our engineers, our systems and our unique sensor solutions helps to maintain plant availability, save energy, money and protects the environment.
Especially the McON Air gas and air flow measurement developed for highly dust laden gases opened new optimization potentials for our customers such as
- reduced electrical power consumption of fans in VRM grinding process
- reduced fuel consumptions through optimized kiln ID fan control
- increased clinker cooler efficiency through optimized cooling fan control
More than 400 installed sensor devices are in operation in cement plants of CEMEX, Lafarge, HOLCIM, CRH, HeidelbergCement, Votorantim.
PROMECON is headquartered in Barleben near Magdeburg (Germany) and has a subsidiary in the USA.
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