Cement News tagged under: Environmental

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Lagan switches to MBM fuel

04 July 2005, Published under Cement News

Lagan Cement has welcomed a decision by Meath County Council, Ireland, to grant planning permission for a change of fuel use to allow it to co-fuel its kilns with Meat and Bone Meal (MBM).  It said the use of MBM as a fuel source will significantly reduce net CO2 emissions levels, contributing beneficially to the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, required under the Kyoto protocol. Plant director Jude Lagan said: “We are pleased to have received this decision, which repres...

Pacemco unveils new grinding concept

29 June 2005, Published under Cement News

Pacific Cement Company, Inc. (Pacemco) in the Philippines is a two-time recipient of the Don Emilio Abello Energy Efficiency and Energy Management Award. Last year, Pacemco also became the fourth Hall Of Fame Awardee, and the only cement plant among the 2004 winners garnering 534,999 liters of oil equivalent (LOE), with a monetary savings of P6,419,988.   Ever the innovator, the company re-engineered its cement grinding operations, employing the dual circuit system, which was the major facto...

Holcim builds upon strong foundations

29 June 2005, Published under Cement News

Holcim Philippines successfully completed the integration of its information technology (IT) system with the Holcim Asia Pacific IT cluster, through "Connect Philippines," a seven-month in-house project that successfully standardized the company’s information and reporting systems with the SAP or Systems, Application, and Products in Data Processing template developed by Holcim Services Asia. The new system enabled simple, streamlined, and more efficient communications between the Philippine...

Factory town questioning illnesses

29 June 2005, Published under Cement News

Cement factories have brought thousands of jobs and years of prosperity to Midlothian, Texas a thriving community of about 12,000. But environmentalists say the cement plants are also responsible for some of the worst pollution in the state as their high-temperature kilns pump out millions of pounds of toxic pollutants such as arsenic, cadmium, benzene and dioxins each year. "There’s no way we know what the effect will be of these thousands of chemicals on people’s health," said Jim Schermbe...

Petron, Holcim forge partnership

24 June 2005, Published under Cement News

Petron Corp. recently entered into a memorandum of agreement with cement company Holcim Philippines for the processing of used oil and sludge from Petron’s customers at Holcim’s cement plants.  The process recovers energy from materials that other companies would already consider as waste. The waste material may be used as alternative fuel in cement production, a manufacturing process which requires very high temperatures.  Under the agreement, Petron will facilitate channeling of waste ...

WWF and Lafarge Boost Environmental Agenda

22 June 2005, Published under Cement News

Lafarge, the world leader in building materials and WWF, the global conservation organization have announced the renewal of their partnership following significant progress in reducing CO2 emissions, in improving quarry rehabilitation practices and the implementation of eight key performance indicators.  This pioneering partnership was launched in March 2000 for a five year period and has been renewed for a further 3-year term.  "Our partnership with WWF has helped us speed up the develo...

Emissions OK in trial waste burn

10 June 2005, Published under Cement News

An incineration trial conducted by Green Island Cement has shown the amount of toxic pollutants produced from burning waste is not excessive, the environment watchdog said. Still, the company has been asked to do additional trial burns from next week before being allowed to undertake a 16-week trial. The operator said the quantity of dioxins released reached only 0.0011 nanogram per cubic metre of air, against a standard of 0.1 nanograms per cubic metre. Green Island Cement ran tri...

TXI, residents to try mediation Midlothian: Cement maker wants to ditch pollution controls

09 June 2005, Published under Cement News

Texas Industries Inc., local environmental groups and Midlothian residents will meet with a mediator over the next 30 days to try to reach a compromise on the cement maker’s request to turn off pollution-control equipment for part of the year. The announcement came at the end of a preliminary hearing Tuesday before a state administrative law judge at Waxahachie City Hall. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality had ordered the hearing in March after environmental groups had opposed...

Jordan Cement to curb emissions

07 June 2005, Published under Cement News

According to local news reports, the Jordan Cement Factories Company (JCFC) will inaugurate a $3.5m new dust filter on June 8, in an attempt to rectify the environmental situation of its Fuheis factory, according to a JCFC official. The new filter, installed on one of the Fuheis production lines, will replace the old and ineffective de-dusting system and utilise advanced technology to reduce dust emission. The new filter will improve the environmental situation at the Fuheis plant and virtual...

Cement Initiative assesses progress

07 June 2005, Published under Cement News

One of the largest global sustainability programs ever undertaken by a single industry sector, the Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI), released its first progress report today, three years after making its Agenda for Action. The CSI report documents the delivery on pledges made in 2002, in particular in CO2 emissions, the use of fuels and raw materials and occupational health and safety. Probably the most significant is the production of an protocol for measuring and reporting CO2 emissi...