Cement News tagged under: Exergy
Cementi Rossi’s ORC solution25 February 2019, Published under Cement NewsOrganic Rankine Cycle (ORC) technology for waste heat recovery is a widely-proven technology for cement factories. A new tailored, turnkey ORC unit for Italian producer Cementi Rossi will feed about 30 per cent of its Pederobba plant’s needs, with higher efficiency, improved safety and lower environmental impact in mind. By Exergy, Italy. Exergy has designed a customised and compact ORC solution to convert approximately 15MWth into 3.5MWe of electrical energy at Cementi Rossi’s Ped... |
Exergy signs WHR contract with Cementi Rossi27 July 2018, Published under Cement NewsCementi Rossi SpA awarded Exergy the contract for a 3.5MW ORC waste heat recovery (WHR) system to be installed near the cement producer's plant in Pederobba, near Treviso, Italy. The scope of the contract includes engineering, design, site erection, commissioning and start up of the power plant and a long term after sales service. Exergy designed a customised and compact ORC solution to convert approximately 16MWh available from exhaust heat in the clinker cooler into 3.5MW of electrici... |