Cement News tagged under: VDZ

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30 years of ICR

02 July 2018, Published under Cement News

Welcome to this special 30th Anniversary issue of International Cement Review, in which we explore the development of the cement industry over the past three decades alongside the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Thomas Armstrong, Managing Editor, International Cement Review Over the course of the last three decades, ICR’s objective has been to report on and debate the industry’s technical and market developments, and to provide essential information, knowledge an...

German cement industry invests considerably in environmental protection

11 October 2017, Published under Cement News

German cement producers further invested in plant optimisation in 2016, keepign them in a leading role worldwide in terms of environmental compatibility, according to the German cement association, VDZ. The sector has taken action to reduce NOx emissions through plant optimisaiton as well as extensive research to test innovative exhaust gas cleaning technology under the particular conditions applicable during cement production. As a result, SCR technology has been brought to industrial ma...

Positive outlook for German cement demand

24 August 2017, Published under Cement News

Cement consumption in Germany rose by approximately 3.2 per cent YoY in 2016 to 27.5Mt, with the positive trend expected to continue this year, according to German Cement Works Association VDZ. "Housing, traffic infrastructure and non-residential construction – the momentum for the German cement market came from all the relevant sectors of the building industry," is how VDZ President, Christian Knell, sums up the development of cement consumption in 2016. In Germany the construction indust...

Christian Knell elected new president of VDZ

24 May 2017, Published under Cement News

Christian Knell named new president of VDZ Christian Knell, general manager of HeidelbergCement in Germany, has been elected as the new president of VDZ. He succeeds long-standing president Gerhard Hirth who has been at the helm of VDZ for 12 years. Mr Knell has been vice president of VDZ since 2012 and has been working in the industry for more than 25 years. VDZ said the main driving forces in his new role as president will be the technological development and innovation along...

Germany: professor Siegbert Sprung wins fifth Klaus Dyckerhoff Prize

29 September 2016, Published under Cement News

At the VDZ Annual Cement Conference 2016 in Düsseldorf, Germany, the fifth Klaus Dyckerhoff Prize was awarded to Professor Dr-Ing Siegbert Sprung for his exceptional achievements with respect to the development of cement and its production and application in mortar and concrete. Siegbert Sprung spent his entire professional career at VDZ and the Research Institute of the Cement Industry in Düsseldorf. He worked as a senior engineer, deputy head of the cement chemistry department and head ...

German cement consumption expected to fall 1.6% in 2015

15 July 2015, Published under Cement News

German cement consumption is expected to decline by 1.6 per cent YoY in 2105 to around 26.7Mt, as local cement producers no longer anticipate being able to compensate for lower market demand recorded in the first quarter of this year. The forecasts released by the German Cement Works Association VDZ yesterday show that due to subdued markets in April and May, volumes are unlikely to regain enough ground to make up for the slower performance so far in 2015. Lower level of industrial const...

Germany: VDZ re-elects Hirth as president

11 April 2014, Published under Cement News

The member companies of the German Cement Works Association (VDZ) in Berlin have elected a new board. After a regular, three-year term VDZ President Gerhard Hirth (Schwenk Zement KG) has been re-elected to the post. Christian Knell (HeidelbergCement AG), Dr Dirk Spenner (Spenner Cement GmbH & Co. KG) and Eric Wittmann (Cemex Germany AG) were selected as vice-presidents. "I thank our member companies for their support over the past years and look forward to the challenges ahead ," VDZ Presid...

Germany: Renewable Energy Sources Act feared by cement sector

18 December 2013, Published under Cement News

The Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) is expected to be detrimental to the production of the German cement industry as well as presenting considerable risks to the sector's competitiveness, according to a recent study of the Münster-based EEFA Research Institute on behalf of the German cement association VDZ. The report entitled: ‘Wettbewerbsfähige Stromkosten. Voraussetzung für die Zementherstellung am Standort Deutschland’ [Competitive Electricity Costs. Requirements for the cement prod...