Cement News tagged under: new capacity

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Tunisia: CMG receives government approval for 1.2Mta plant

29 July 2015, Published under Cement News

Ciment de la Méditerranée Gafsa SA (CMG) has received the approval of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mines to construct a 1.2Mta greenfield plant. The works, with a clinker capacity of 1Mta, represents an investment of around US$220m. CMG is a joint venture between Ahmed Bouchamaoui International Group, Antonio Lopez Banos and the Ricardo Mella International Group.

Making a mark in Iraq

22 July 2015, Published under Cement News

As part of its journey to become a multinational producer, Lucky Cement of Pakistan has built a new grinding plant near Basra, Iraq, in partnership with local company Al-Hakam Group. Launched last year, the 0.8Mta unit has steadily made its mark on the domestic market to meet growing demand needs, whilst also maintaining an eye on export potential. Al Malbrooka Cement is a 50:50 a joint venture between Lucky Cement (Pakistan) and the Al-Hakam Group (Iraq) Iraq has experienced m...

Cementos Molins appoints new CEO

06 July 2015, Published under Cement News

Cements Molins has appointed a new CEO, Julio Rodríguez. Mr Rodríguez worked formerly at Schneider Electric and is since 1 July the first CEO outside the Molins family. He is expected to continue the overseas expansion of Cementos Molins. "If there is something we should do, it is to continue the growth plan. With new ideas, new investments, we'll see where, but with the growth plan." Despite the pick-up in its home market of Spain, Cementos Molins is centring its investment in Latin Americ...


02 July 2015, Published under Cement News

Cimpor subsidiary Cementos de Moçambique, currently the Mozambique’s sole cement producer, has started the construction process of a 1.5Mta cement works in Nacala.  This involves an investment of US$250m and completion is scheduled for 2018.  However, the Turkish group Limak is also planning a 2Mta cement works in the country. 


29 June 2015, Published under Cement News

Marking the first collaboration between the two companies, PPC has recently signed an EPC contract with Sinoma’s CMBI Construction Co Ltd for a new 3000tpd clinker production line at PPC’s Slurry plant near Lichtenburg, South Africa. The new kiln line 9 is expected to take 25 months to complete. The contract includes engineering, procurement, civil works, installation and commissioning. Meanwhile, PPC, along with Afrisam, Lafarge and NPC Cimpor, has successfully campaigned for a provision...


29 June 2015, Published under Cement News

Trial production has got underway at Dangote’s new 2.5Mta integrated cement plant in Ethiopia. Following kiln ignition in April, the US$480m plant has now been connected to the electricity grid and stockpiles of limestone are in place. According to local sources, 1.2m packaging bags have arrived from Egypt and 23 transportation trucks have also been delivered to the port of Djibouti. The plant is located in the West Shewa Zone, 85km from the capital Addis Ababa. As part of its ongoing exp...

Medcem to invest in 3Mta works in north Colombia

25 June 2015, Published under Cement News

Turkish cement producer Medcem plans to built a 3Mta works in the north of Colombia, according to local press reports. The US$50m plant will be constructed in the Free Economic Zone of Puerto Brisa, near Dibulla in Guajira department. “The project represents an investment of US$50m over six years to supply the local industry in a part of Colombia where no cement factories exist,” El Economista quoted Víctor Covo, the project’s general manager as saying. The company is interested in produci...

Venezuela: Yaracuy mini-plant online 1H16

15 June 2015, Published under Cement News

Construction on the new cement works at Barranco Amarillo in Peña, Yaracuy state, is expected to be completed in the first half of 2016. The plant, with a capacity to produce 600tpd  or 4.5m bags of cement in two vertical kilns, is being built with assistance from India-based Megatech International. It is one of five mini plants in Portuguesa, Cojedes, Aragua, Mérida and Yaracuy covered by a bilateral agreement with India. The site has proven limestone reserves sufficient for 100 year...

Cameroon: Medcem plant to enter service in June

02 June 2015, Published under Cement News

The Medcem cement works, owned by Turkey-based Eren Holdings, is scheduled to come online in June, entering a market already supplied by Lafarge, Ciments d’Afrique and Dangote. The project was carried out in just under a year following the signing of an investment agreement between the country’s government and Abut Azsezikli, Medcem Global’s general manager, on 9 September 2014. Eren Holdings has invested around EUR24.4m in the new plant, which is located in the Douala port area of Cam...

A partnership for Congo

26 May 2015, Published under Cement News

After decades of poor growth, sub-Saharan Africa has finally launched itself on a path towards greater economic opportunity and development and is now considered the ‘new frontier’ for emerging-market investors. One project making headway in the high-growth market of DR Congo is the 1Mta Nyumba Ya Akiba integrated cement works, a joint venture between Group Rawji and Lucky Cement Ltd. By Nyumba Ya Akiba, DR Congo. Work on Nyumba Ya Akiba’s preheater has started Combined GDP grow...