Cement News tagged under: Low-carbon cement

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New capacity for new cement

30 May 2023, Published under Cement News

Titan America LLC has fully converted its cement production to low-carbon Type IL limestone cement. To enable this change the company has opened and expanded several terminals and additional facilities are also under construction. By Titan America LLC, USA. Figure 1: Titan America is investing in the expansion of its terminal capacity to enable a more efficient supply of low-carbon Type IL cement, including a tripling of capacity at its Chesapeake terminal in Virginia as shown abov...

Dyckerhoff supplies low CO2 efficient construction

16 May 2023, Published under Cement News

The new residential quarter in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, "Mein Ludwigs”, has been supplied with Dyckerhoff ’s low CO 2 efficient cements and concretes for the large-scale construction project. The new residential area is currently being built on a former 2.5ha company site in the southwest of Ludwigshafen, near the banks of the Rhine, Germany. It was planned by the multiple award-winning Frankfurt architecture firm Stefan Forster Architekten, which specialises in residential buildings.  Th...

Prometheus Materials appoints Director of Product Management

10 May 2023, Published under Cement News

Prometheus Materials team welcomes Leo Atencio as its new Director of Product Management. Leo is a leader in sustainable design products and sustainable construction with over 25 years of experience in the building materials industry. He has successfully developed and deployed a number of innovative sustainable products and previously worked in aggregates, concrete and precast building materials within several sectors of the industry. Based in Boulder, Colorado, USA, Prometheus Materials ...

Fortera appoints VP of Intellectual Property

24 April 2023, Published under Cement News

Renewable energy and cleantech attorney Dan Cummings has joined Fortera Corp as General Counsel and Vice President of Intellectual Property.   “As we forge a pathway to net-zero cement in partnership with manufacturers, builders, and government, we are expanding our mission-aligned executive team with deep expertise and professional networks within the green economy like Dan Cummings,” said Ryan Gilliam, co-founder and CEO of Fortera.     Fortera has developed a low-carbon cement...

Cem'In'EU launches FusioVrac cement

21 April 2023, Published under Cement News

Cem'In'EU 's Rhône cement plant, in Portes-lès-Valence, has launched FusioVrac cement with a CO 2 footprint 18 per cent less than conventional cement.   FusioVrac is a low-carbon cement that contains less clinker, which is partly replaced by pozzolan, a natural substitute from volcanic rocks in the nearby region. The new cement offers " the same performance, respecting the same standards as the other products currently on the market,"  indicates Fabien Charbonnel, general ...

CEMEX Philippines achieves 50% CO2 reduction from 1990-2022

18 April 2023, Published under Cement News

CEMEX Philippines achieved a 50 per cent reduction in CO 2 emissions generated by its two cement subsidiaries, Solid Cement Corp and APO Cement Corp , from 1990-2022. Based on public declarations, CEMEX claims that this is the highest CO 2 emissions reduction in the industry.  From 2020-22 alone, CEMEX Philippines reduced 18 per cent of its net CO 2 emissions, representing 36 per cent of the total CO 2 reduction since 1990, demonstrating the company’s accelerated efforts to furth...

IFC invests EUR242m in Sococim Industries

28 February 2023, Published under Cement News

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the investment arm of the World Bank, has confirmed that it is investing EUR242m in Senegal-based cement producer, Sococim Industries , to help boost low-carbon cement production. Sococim, a subsidiary of Vicat , will receive a EUR120m loan from IFC's own account and EUR122m equivalent in local currency from Société Générale Sénégal and other lenders, reports Reuters. Around EUR215m of the financing will be earmarked for green activities, sai...

Sublime Systems secures funding for low-carbon cement

18 January 2023, Published under Cement News

US-based Sublime Systems has raised US$40m to develop new technology to produce low-carbon cement. According to Bloomberg, Sublime has come up with a process that reduces energy use and carbon emission by splitting the cement-making process into two parts.  The first step is the production of calcium in a form that will chemically react with silicon, the key element in sand. Sublime reduces energy use and carbon emissions in this step by avoiding limestone and using electricity rather tha...

First Graphene teams up with Suvo for low-carbon options

10 January 2023, Published under Cement News

First Graphene Ltd has entered into a joint development agreement (JDA) with Suvo Strategic Minerals to research and develop low-emission cement and concrete products. The agreement aims to investigate the potential for further improvements in CO 2 emission reductions by combining the already successful outcomes achieved from the addition of graphene to cement and concrete with Suvo’s metakaolin, the companies said in a statement. Metakaolin is a pozzolanic material derived from fine kao...

Teesside University to develop Mevocrete project

16 December 2022, Published under Cement News

Academics from the University are collaborating with industry partners on a GBP7.6m (US$9.24m) project entitled ‘Mevocrete’, aiming to develop a new form of concrete made from the by-products of the steel and chemical industries. Teesside University has won funding from Innovate UK to work with Material Evolution to help the business scale up its technology to create a full scale on-site facility for cement production using waste steel slag at Teesworks. The resulting product from the ...