Meeting market demands
ICR interviews Cemengal's MD, Dario Del Frate, on the growth of the grinding and turnkey specialist.
ICR interviews Cemengal's MD, Dario Del Frate, on the growth of the grinding and turnkey specialist.
Breedon Aggregates has established itself as a successful player in the UK building materials ma...
Ahead of the 19th AUCBM in Marrakech, Morocco, ICR speaks with Mohamed Chaïbi, president of the APC.
ICR interviews André Martin, CEO of Lafarge Russia & Ukraine, on recent achievement and future go...
Dominican Republic cement association, Adocem, shares its views on the outlook for domestic indus...
ICR speaks with Chris Plant, CEO of Hope Construction Materials, on the story so far for the UK's...
An exclusive interview with CEMBUREAU on the future for the European cement industry and its chal...
Ahead of the 2014 IEEE-IAS/PCA Cement Industry Technical Conference, ICR speaks with the PCA's ...
ICR talks to ASEC chairman and CEO Giorgio Bodo, Tamer Yaccout, director of the company's busines...
Juan Romero, president of Cemex Mexico, speaks with ICR about the pace of Mexico's economic recov...
ICR speaks with Filiberto Ruiz, president of Holcim (US) & Aggregate Industries, on the company's...
ICR interviews Liao Zhang, VP of CNBM International, about the company's business model and strat...
ICR interviews Jean-Marc Junon, HeidelbergCement Africa's chief operating officer.
Thomas Armstrong interviews Daniel Lavalle, president director of Indocement.
ICR interviews Mr Wu Shoufu, president of Sinoma International Engineering Co Ltd of China.
ICR interviews PCA Chairman Cary Cohrs on his role and the plans for the association going forward.