CO2 - a catalyst for change

Published 23 May 2014

Cement production in 2014 is expected to surpass 4bnt in 2014, resulting in carbon dioxide emissions by the cement sector of roughly the same level. At the same time, the world is looking for increasing energy supplies and therefore the conversion of CO2 emitted by cement plants into a usable fuel is a compelling option. By David St Angelo, Joule, USA.

Converting CO2 from cement plants to fuel: using an ubiquitous waste product to meet one of the world’s key challenges

Rather than waste or store CO2 underground, the transformation of such emissions into a readily-available and potentially low-cost carbon feedstock offers an attractive opportunity.

However, the nature of the CO2 molecule gives rise to specific issues in this conversion process. The molecule’s thermo-dynamic stability challenges its use as a feedstock. If CO2 is to be used as a feedstock, it will need to be reduced – a process which is slow and requires energy.

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