ICCC and Czech cement

Published 16 September 2019

The 15th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC) will take place in Prague, the Czech Republic, on 16-20 September 2019. ICR speaks with Jan Gemrich of the Czech Cement Association and Lukas Perka of VUMO about the conference and the latest developments in the Czech cement sector.

ICCC 2015, which took place in Beijing, China, provided a forum for cement scientists and producers alike

Carbon capture and reuse as well as the reduction of all GHG are becoming  major themes worldwide for the cement industry. Therefore, the development of sustainable cements is a key topic at the 15th International Congress on the  Chemistry of Cement, which takes place in Prague, Czechia, on 16-20 September 2019. Scientists, cement producers and end-users will gather to exchange scientific and technical knowledge on a range of cement and concrete topics (see box story).

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