1156 posts
TimePosted 22/08/2006 10:21:18
admin says

Fuels Question 8

I would like to ask about variable chloride values in clinker which can vary from 0.003 to 0.05. Also what will happen if the burner is operated in a reducing atmosphere and how to ensure that the main burner is always operating in an oxidising condition.


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1156 posts
TimePosted 22/08/2006 10:21:19
admin says

Re: Fuels

There could be a number of causes of the high free CaO content of your clinker despite the fact that the lime saturation of the clinker is only 92 per cent. The fineness of the kiln feed is one factr and also the contents of MgO and K2O. If you can tell me those I will be in a better position to diagnose the problem.


1156 posts
TimePosted 22/08/2006 10:21:19
admin says

Fuels Question 20

We are a cement plant, operating with 100 per cent petroleum coke with 6 per cent sulphur. If the amount of SO2 in the waste gas is less than 100mg/m3,and no ring problem in the kiln what is in your opinion the disadvantage of using this product in the environment.


1156 posts
TimePosted 22/08/2006 10:21:19
admin says

Re: Fuels

I see no environmental or pollution related disadvantages in using petroleum coke to fire your kilns.
