4 posts
Clinker Dust in tertiary air duct
We have a Separate line Calciner design of preheater receiving hot gases from the cooler via tertiary air duct. Due to heavy dust loading in the cooler gases, the tertiary air duct is getting filled with material dust, which has to be regularly discharged by means of pneumatic gates. This operation has to be done upto 4 times in shift. Since the dust is very hot around 900 deg C, handling becomes difficult. Can you please suggest some means of handling this high temperature dust after discharge from the TA Duct. Many Thanks
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324 posts
Re: Clinker Dust in tertiary air duct
The normal practice is to have some type of settlement or alternative dust collection mechanism in the tertiary air duct. The dust collected there is automatically transported to the clinker transport system. Do you not have any such dust collection facility in the tertiary air duct? If you do have it is it functioning properly, i.e. not blocked or filled up?
The other consideration is why is the tertairy air so dusty? Is there a large excess of sulphate over alkalis in the clinker? Can the kiln feed, kiln or cooler operation be adjusted to reduce the dust burden in the tertiary air?
Dr Michael Clark
4 posts
Re: Clinker Dust in tertiary air duct
The high dust content is due to high sulphur in the fuel as well as raw material properties. Also, due to higher production levels being achieved from the plant the air velocities in the kiln hood & TA duct are higher. There is also space restriction for a dust trap near the kiln hood.
An alternative transport mechanism to convey the hot dust from the TA duct bend below the Calciner to the cooler area, may be a more viable solution.
1 posts