22 posts
TimePosted 10/11/2008 11:33:52
kesavaraj says

Sewage sludge Processing

Sewage sludge is a reject from Sewage treatment plants.It is currently used in Bio-gasification and for producing land fill gas ..

 Apart form these uses,can it be used as a direct substitute to fossil fuels?

Sewage sludge contains mostly biological contents ,will a dried sludge provide fuel value?

Any body know references for such works already done?




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Michael Clark
324 posts
TimePosted 10/11/2008 16:57:34

Re: Sewage sludge Processing

Sewage sludge is widely used as a biomass alternative fuel in cement kilns in Europe.

Best regards

Dr Michael Clark


22 posts
TimePosted 11/11/2008 02:58:30
kesavaraj says

Re: Sewage sludge Processing

Dear clark,

      This sewage sludge in particular refers to the reject of a sewage treatmtment plant and not the conventional municipal waste.

Can any 1 tell about the fuel value of it,any help?


22 posts
TimePosted 12/11/2008 03:23:32
kesavaraj says

Re: Sewage sludge Processing

Dear Mr.Clark ,

I see that you are an expereiences and an expertise in Cement technology .Can you please tell me How this municipal solid waste is processed and used as a substitue fuel?

How come the odour control is achieved?

Any idea?



