10 posts
TimePosted 05/02/2009 13:47:06
I.Flex says

vertical mill

we have atox mill and when the most of feed is fine material diff. pressure increase rapidly and the layer thickness decrease rapidly and subject it to stop due to maximum vibration. does anyone have any explanation.


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10 posts
TimePosted 06/02/2009 07:26:01
rrbs says

Re: vertical mill

The efficiency of a vertical mill depends on the stable bed formation under the rollers for grinding. If the feed is too fine then there is no stable bed, and hence the vibration. as regarding the mill DP it is obvious due to the mill getting empty.


10 posts
TimePosted 06/02/2009 14:40:44
I.Flex says

Re: vertical mill

the mill is filled and DP is going to be very high in short time, and the layer thickness decrease so we can't feed the mill to it's nominal capacity. does the problem in separation inside the mill?


2 posts
TimePosted 29/03/2009 10:50:40
Articles says

Re: vertical mill

Vibration is mainly due to unstable grinding bed.To have a stable bed,please consider to increase the dam ring height if possible.Sometimes water spray in grinding table also helps to have a stable bed.
