1 posts
TimePosted 09/04/2009 18:14:30
Yuriy says

R&D Scientist looking for a job

Hello, I’m seeking your help to be able to offer my knowledge and experience in research and development of cements.  During my 10 years living in Canada I tried to apply do different cement companies and universities, but responses I got was ‘you are overqualified’.  I’m sure that I have a lot to offer if I will be able to talk to right people and explain what I can do for the cement industry.

I have Ph.D. degree in chemical engineering with specialization in cements from Kiev Polytechnic University in Ukraine and have over 20 years of experience in research and development of cements, concrete and cement production methods. My duties ranged from Chemical and instrumental analysis of cements to development new processes, systems monitoring, problem solving and troubleshooting, applying engineering principles to production. I have participated in development, introducing and improvement of completely new products as cements with low-water consumption, expansive cements and oil well cement. I was developing new methods to improve cost effectively optimization quality, production, and equipment performance, save-energy technology of Portland cement, binding materials with low water consumption, expansive cements, cement-polymer compositions, cements with the surface-active additions, modification of structure of cement stone.  

My name was listed in 1999’s Lafarge Catalogue of Foreign Specialists.

I will appreciate any help, you can contact me at ayevsyutin@montcap.com  

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Yuriy Yevsyutin


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