6 posts
TimePosted 14/10/2009 19:21:31
Jojo says

Re: Clinker granulometry during petcoke.

About the high clinker temperature:

With the petcoke, aside from clinker becoming smaller, the kiln condition would also be very dusty. These become additional load to the cooler. The more finer the clinker, the more pressure drop it will have for the cooler fans. If the cooling fans are flow or pressure limited, then it would be a problem. I would suggest that you will make sure that the specific grate aeration (m3/m2-s) and specific cooling air (Nm3/kg ckr) are maintained.


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29 posts
TimePosted 22/10/2009 19:55:25
vinayak says

Re: Clinker granulometry during petcoke.

To reduce the clinker temp

 a. If margin is available in the cooler vent fan, we may straight away increase the second grate cooling air ( not the first grate air which would dilute the tertiary/secondary air)

b. If there is no margin in cooler vent fan and if the clinker early strength is good, we may insert the buner pipe towards the kiln inletside by about 0.5 from tip to increase the cooling  zone in the kiln

c.If free lime is under control, increase the precalcinator fuel and reduce the kiln fuel and the burning zone temperature

d.Reduce the red river by optimising the cooling air distribution

e. If the cooler vent is provided with hot ESP , then water spray can be used for reducing the clinker temperature



