74 posts
TimePosted 01/02/2010 23:47:07
M.Azhar says

Finnes Of meal

What is optimum finees range for the kiln feed material , if the finess is less than 10% at 90micron what would be effect of efficiency of twins cyclone at top 


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77 posts
TimePosted 02/02/2010 13:37:04
Vikpro says

Re: Finnes Of meal

Dear Azhar,

There is no optimum fineness range for kiln feed. It varies from Kiln to Kiln. In general finer particle is good for heat exchange but  there are some disadvantages also  e.g...

 - Require more power to grind.

- High grinding media consumption.

- High raw meal circulation.

- Higher chances of cyclone / riser duct jamming.

- Chances of high free lime.

- Chances of ring / ball formation in kiln.

I am telling  this from my experience in a particular plant.



108 posts
TimePosted 02/02/2010 13:54:25
Dastgir says

Re: Finnes Of meal

Dear Vikpro,

I like to enquire why Free CaO will increase when using fine raw meal.


Gulam Dastgir


74 posts
TimePosted 02/02/2010 22:34:04
M.Azhar says

Re: Finnes Of meal

Hello every one 

My second question is this ,,

Is there any effect on cyclones(C1A, C1B) efficiency  due to the high fines of the meal, 
