All of your doubts will be clarified if you take one simulator based training program on kiln operation form FLS/KHD Simulex/NCB Optima which which will cost around 20,000 rupees for indian national
Else take kiln log sheets and try to analyse them it makes crystal clear
i am sure this works
Now coming to your question increasing feed rate? it depends on instantaneous situation of kiln being operated at the time let say a 8000 TPD kiln being operated 7200 TPD which still has a scope of 800 TPD in such case you increase feed by 10 - 15 tonnes. this feed will quench gases which reduces temperature of gases therby reducing the density of gases which will increase the preheater ID fan power . as a effect of this prehater ID fan draws more volume of gases which will increse -Ve Draught
Hope this clarifies

Mr. Hussaini what about the fallen materil against the negative pressure! do you agree with me that increasing the feed reduces the negative pressure in PH dueto fallen force of the feed and may cause blockage of preheater in several cases dueto materia lefting problem?
"The negative pressure or draft in the PH controls by ID fan speed, gas temperature, and feed rate together''
Best regard

Yes you are right Mr Neal.. But as i said "it depends on instantaneous situation of kiln being operated at the time" as in my example i used 7200 TPD which is operated under capacity Rated is 8000 TPD in such cases as far i have seen the effect of density Rules over Dust load, tough momentarily -Ve pressure decreases but as density starts decreasing -Ve builds up ,if plant is operated over capicity let say 8800 TPD is such cases i guess Dust load rules -Ve pressure over density change.