138 posts
TimePosted 14/09/2010 20:20:26
lalbatros says

frames on this forum

I have a request regarding this forum.

The right frame, where the posts are displayed is much too narrow.
This is where the useful information should be, and yet it is not much larger than the nearly empty space where the name of the poster is written.
This useful frame could be enlarged:

- either by moving the name of the poster from the left to the top of the post
- or by simply enlarging the text frame at the expense of the advertisement on the right

Note also that the whole width of the most common screens is not fully used.
It might be enough to simply use the total space available on the most common screens.

Anyway, something should be done.
Writing a post is sometimes an effort, and it is not well rewarded when read in these conditions.

Thanks to consider this suggestion.



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