72 posts
TimePosted 20/09/2010 04:18:21
elwathig says

Re: low pressure high efficiency cyclones

thanks sir

that  i needed ? but i whant know  how to make cyclone performance  efficeicy?2)is the cylone efficieny constant for all time or it  will change with operation?and how to design preheater fan  ,as we know the are relation between cyclone pressure drop and fan 


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41 posts
TimePosted 21/09/2010 15:26:27

Re: low pressure high efficiency cyclones


 i whant know  how to make cyclone performance  efficeicy?

I take this as separation efficiency of the cyclone the most practical method to determine this would be collecting samples at riserducts & mealpipes then analyse it for "PSD" and draw tromp curve and then report weighted average of efficiencies but practical problem is How will you collect samples for lower cyclones at 800-950oC?


 2)is the cylone efficieny constant for all time or it  will change with operation?

Cyclones Being a static equipment the separation efficiency remains more or less unaltered with operational conditions unless it is not operated with in designed conditions (designed capacity)


 how to design preheater fan  ,as we know the are relation between cyclone pressure drop and fan 

 Now about designing a preheater fan, a mechanical adept would be appropriate. however i feel it's more of a seclection, once flow a0,density and desired pressure is known as fans are standardised for given process conditions,

ex:Density 1.2 kg/m3 , at 80m3/s and 180000Pa

Fan HAF 250, with shaft power of 1700 KW and total weight of 12500 kg is required for detailed calculations please refer here http://www.flsmidth.com/en-US/News+and+Press/Brochures+and+Articles
