74 posts
TimePosted 13/11/2010 17:56:29
M.Azhar says

KIlN girth gear

Hello every one


Any body knows about the Kiln with out girth gear Unit ......................pls send me information



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Michael Clark
324 posts
TimePosted 07/12/2010 10:25:44

Re: KIlN girth gear

You need to look on the websites of companies like FL Smidth.


12 posts
TimePosted 10/12/2010 18:30:48
rajeshfls says

Re: KIlN girth gear

In FLS the kiln type is called as ROTAX. They will have two tyres only. Kiln drive will rotate the supporting roller, by that the Kiln will rotate. There will be no migration with this kiln because of the special suspension system. all the rest is same.

As there is no girth gear, no need for grease lubrication 
