9 posts
TimePosted 20/02/2011 07:18:26
djmariano says

Grinding Energy - Amount of energy per kg of rawmeal produced

Hi again experts:

I am calculating the amount of energy needed to grind a rawmeal to a desired particle size using Bond's work index. Since rawmeal is composed of different raw material based on % weight and each of this raw material has its own work index.

Do you have a standard table where in the work index of a specific rawmaterials used in rawmeal production are listed? I will appreciate if you could share this table/information.






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17 posts
TimePosted 22/02/2011 12:10:13
B.P.Jain says

Re: Grinding Energy - Amount of energy per kg of rawmeal produced

here is no standard forrmula for energy consumption for all the raw materials,it variesas according to wherefrom the material is mined.From mine to mine hardness of material may vary.Therefor energy consumtion for each material can be worked out experimantly in a plant lab.

B.P .Jain
