25 posts
TimePosted 15/07/2011 21:46:39
prisoner says

kiln inlet material flushing

friends sometimes material flushing start from kiln inlet seal which are very red hot material.... what are the posisble reasons of material flushing throght kiln inlet seal


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19 posts
TimePosted 16/07/2011 11:36:45
Engr says

Re: kiln inlet material flushing

Dear Prisoner,

What we have observed two main reasons for material leakage from inlet seal. Either your inlet trough plates or tounge plates are wear OR inlet seal pneumetic jacks are not working properly. If so, try to run kiln with maximum possible speed or you will face more flushing with low speed in such condition. Hope this will help you.

Have a nice day.



77 posts
TimePosted 16/07/2011 19:12:08
Vikpro says

Re: kiln inlet material flushing

One of the reason for kiln inlet material spillage, is due to mud ring formation near kiln inlet.

Possible reason for mud ring formation....

- High alkali / sulfur circulation.

- High calcination %

- Low rawmeal residue

- Burning zone ring formation

-  Inlet seal mechenical fault.

- Sometimes due to castable failure & abnormal coation formation at inlet.


