Heru Wibowo Lahar
2 posts
TimePosted 22/10/2014 07:46:28

Snowman at Bullnose

Dear Expert,

Last kiln stop (few weeks ago), we found big sowman at "R" position of bull nose. After we run the kiln, now the snowman appears again at same position in the bullnose. Our clinker quality, SM 2.35 & liquid phase 27.5 % , SO3 at hot meal very high (more than 4 %). Can someone share the experience related to problem?

With thanks,




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84 posts
TimePosted 23/10/2014 05:40:52
Silastman says

re Snowman at Bullnose

Dear Heru Wibowo Lahar !

In this topic I,m  attach my paper & patent by this problem. May be it's  help to you.

