6 posts
How to optimize the operation of cement mill for improving cement strength?
There're 4 cement producing line in the plant and the cement strength are quite different for individuals.
We find that the fineness and PSD are clsoe for each mill, only the #325 residue with difference(low to high 4~11%)
Is it a major reason to cause difference? Please give us some idea, thanks!
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15 posts
re How to optimize the operation of cement mill for improving cement strength?
Followings are ponts are to be looked after:
1. Is clinker is same for all cement lines? If different clinker is used, what is the difference in chemical composition?
2. What is the particle size distridution in all the lines seperately (-3, +3 to -30, +30 & +45 micron)?
3. What is the variation in clinker components?
4. What is the % SO3 in all lines in cement.