1 posts
TimePosted 08/08/2022 13:56:52
sudheer says

impact of coal & AFR input material moisture

Hello all

can anybody give explanantion how much impact of moisture in AFR like RDF, biomass, carbon black will have overall pyro system, specially preheater fan volume, its power, reduction in oxygen , kiln feed TPH, as practiaclly i am experiencing negative impact of moisture on preheater fan power, reduction in O2, and to compensate it kiln feed also reduced 3 to 5 %, also negative impact of chloride increment in system leading to coating buildups.

but the question is how can i explain this scenartio theoritically and with proper calculation.

so that we can analyse the amount of AFR we can feed without disturbing all efficiency parameter in bog way, yes there will be some negative impact but we need to draw a line where it can be presented that this much of AFR is giving us cost benefit but going beyond this will harm the system and ultimately impact the overall cost of production in terms of  cost per ton of clinker.

one idea is that after determining the moisture % we can get an idea of how much vapour pressure will be increased in the system and that will impact ID fan spped.

if any one give any idea or calcualtion sheet for the same it will be highly appreciated.

my mail id is


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