Cement News tagged: Freight Markets


04 May 2004, Published under Cement News

All dry bulk markets recorded a strong correction, which surprised everyone. Contrary to the previous weeks the Capes have been the most affected in this global downturn. The feeling is that it is an

Panamaxes slip, Handies follow

27 April 2004, Published under Cement News

The overall upward trend the market recorded last week was short -ived and figures started to fall again. Panamaxes were the first and the most affected by the downturn, as the grain season is startin

Markets are looking up

22 April 2004, Published under Cement News

After several weeks of a steady fall, rates seem to be on their way up again for all sizes. Capes were prompt to react especially in the Pacific and the number of ships open remains limited. The Panam

Cautious optimism for intensified trading

15 April 2004, Published under Cement News

The dry bulk market sees through a static period at the moment. With the Easter week having passed, a rather dull period is hoped to have come to an end. The future prospect of intensified world-wide

Rate improvements across the board yet to materialise

Rate improvements across the board yet to materialise

06 April 2004, Published under Cement News

After a short pause marked by the spot Cape market during the previous week, the last five trading days have recorded a deeper dive of rates. In a low volume of business Capesize rates have fallen bac

Under pressure

30 March 2004, Published under Cement News

The turmoil in which the Capes were navigating for two weeks seemed to calm down but by the end of the week the overall activity started to slow down again. Despite the Atlantic Panamax market seeing

No major pick-up as yet

No major pick-up as yet

24 March 2004, Published under Cement News

The downward trend that the market has been feeling since the middle of last week, mainly due to congestion and force majeure problems in Australian ports and a slow start to the South American grain

Volatile markets

17 March 2004, Published under Cement News

As it was anticipated last week, dry bulk markets were volatile. The Capesize segment ended the week just a few points above the previous week after a mid week downward correction. Panamaxes have rega

Towards the doldrums ?

02 March 2004, Published under Cement News

Contrary to last week when all dry bulk markets were on their way up, rates have experienced a rather severe correction especially since the middle of the week. With a lack of activity in the Atlantic

Rates rising after short-lived blip

24 February 2004, Published under Cement News

The blip of the dry bulk markets has been relatively short-lived. Since the middle of the week, both the Capesize and Panamax markets have started to see rates increasing substantially, and China SB t

Handy markets slowing down but gearing up for rebound

17 February 2004, Published under Cement News

The Capesize voyage market suffered a drop in both basins, and even if the fall was more obvious in the Pacific than in the Atlantic, now all industry players are awaiting the evolution in the coming

Panamax down but Handy going strong

11 February 2004, Published under Cement News

The dry bulk markets, with the exception of the HandyMax and Handysize sectors have seen some changes, especially the Panamax one, which lost some ground in the East, where the availability of tonnage

Strong increase from China and Japan give markets boost

05 February 2004, Published under Cement News

After a slow start to the week, a strong increase of mineral inquiries from Chinese and Japanese charterers, has reversed the downward trend, which was the consequence of the end of the Chinese New Ye

Chinese New Year quietens market

01 February 2004, Published under Cement News

There is a little bit of irony to see that during the same week, when China announced its final figures of GDP for 2003, which finally reached 9.10 per cent, when the latest monthly report from the II

Dry bulk markets remain high

20 January 2004, Published under Cement News

Despite the forthcoming Chinese New Year this week, which will probably have an impact on the overall activity, the dry bulk markets continue their steady rise, and especially

Good start to the year

13 January 2004, Published under Cement News

We had to wait the turn of the year, to see the BCI breaking the 5,000 point mark, but it finally did. After a break of almost two weeks, the current one started with some hesitation but rapidly, both