Cement News tagged: Freight Markets

The downs and ups of freighting costs

09 March 2005, Published under Cement News

Despite the rather unanimous fall in rates recorded this week, which is in line with what had been anticipated, the last 24 hours of the week have given some signals of an upward trend. Everyone

Rates keep on rising

22 February 2005, Published under Cement News

After the upturn of the market last week, rates have kept on rising over the last five trading days. Levels which were talked about a week ago have been achieved for all segments of

Volume of business improving

16 February 2005, Published under Cement News

The wait and see feeling which was widely shared last week doesn’t seem to be charterers’ view any longer. The volume of business this week has been firmer on almost all segments of

Charterers play the waiting game

08 February 2005, Published under Cement News

After the short rush of last week that pushed Capes and Panamax rates up again, the market seems now to play the waiting game with the Chinese New Year festivities about to start. However, despite the

Markets regain some lost ground

Markets regain some lost ground

02 February 2005, Published under Cement News

Activity on dry bulk markets this week was in line what was expected. Capes have taken the driving seat and now with few ships remaining open prompt the market seems to be ready for another rally

Mixed signals from the market

26 January 2005, Published under Cement News

Dry bulk markets have continued to slide last week but on Friday the general feeling was that next week will see a comeback of charterers particularly in the East, which should reverse the trend in th

First signs of weakness?

First signs of weakness?

18 January 2005, Published under Cement News

After the very prompt reaction of the market, which started mid-last week, it now seems that charterers have disappeared from the charts! The end of last week was very quiet and rates started to feel

Markets regain upward momentum

13 January 2005, Published under Cement News

With overall demand still very firm the market remains on the edge and will react upwards to any return of charterers. This week Cape rates have made a U-turn regaining almost all the ground lost earl

Markets weaken over holiday period

05 January 2005, Published under Cement News

The level of business has been particularly low since our latest report 15 days ago. This slow mood has translated into lower rates with the Capes falling down under the $100,000 par day, Panamaxes ha

Markets start to slide

21 December 2004, Published under Cement News

At present everybody is "skiing down to the village" and the heaviest is the fastest. Capes have recorded this week historical downward figures and the number of ships remaining unfixed by the end of

Still riding the roller coaster

15 December 2004, Published under Cement News

After another exciting period of nearly one month where rates reached unprecedented record levels, the market has stalled during most recent trading days. Figures have started to dive from their top p

Numbers speak for themselves!

02 December 2004, Published under Cement News

It is very hard this week to find other words than: strong, firm or even historical. Cape rates are now heading towards the US$110,000 per day for Brazil to Far East voyages and can fetch the US$100,0

Very hot period on all dry bulk markets

25 November 2004, Published under Cement News

A very hot period on all dry bulk markets especially with the Panamax segment leading the race of the fastest progression of the week, fuelled by a rush on tonnage available for time charter. Similarl

Activity levels remain quite firm

10 November 2004, Published under Cement News

With the grain side no longer providing the same number of opportunities, the Panamax market has been a bit weaker this week despite being helped by a still strong mineral activity also sustained by s

Markets continue to strengthen

26 October 2004, Published under Cement News

All dry bulk markets have continued to go up during last week especially for the Capesize market which increased heavily and, more particularly, at the end of the week. The most bullish players who pr

Speculation over rate trends

13 October 2004, Published under Cement News

While tanker freight rates are cruising into some unexplored areas, dry bulk rates are getting nervous too despite a rather "normal" volume of business. Especially in the Cape segment, everyone is sti