Cement News tagged: Freight Markets

Markets show more instability

23 January 2008, Published under Cement News

Another frenetic week in the dry bulk market with more huge fluctuations in rates and plenty of drama behind the scenes. The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) finished ast Friday at 6462, down nearly 1500 on th

Oversupply factors begin to bite

17 December 2007, Published under Cement News

The Baltic Panamax Index went down by 412 points mid-December, finishing at 9394. The four TC’s average lost US$3,400, falling from US$79,100 per day to US$75,700. Last week’s drop in the

Merger mania hits mining sectors

12 November 2007, Published under Cement News

In a move that seemed unthinkable just a few months ago, BHP Billiton confirmed last week that it had made a formal offer for rival Rio Tinto.

When will it all end?

15 October 2007, Published under Cement News

There was only one game in town last week: the incredible leap in the Baltic Dry Index. For the first time in its twenty-two year history the BDI breached the 10,000 mark, propelled by runaway rates i

No end in sight to market gains

No end in sight to market gains

27 September 2007, Published under Cement News

If any more evidence were needed that drybulk rates have gone through the roof, this week saw the Baltic Capesize Index record its biggest ever one-day gain, equivalent to a rise of 6%. The jaw-droppi

A time for reflection perhaps?

13 August 2007, Published under Cement News

While many shipowners are quietly publishing their financial results for the first half of the year reflecting the amazing levels achieved on the charter market, mining companies have been starting to

And still the markets climb higher!

And still the markets climb higher!

23 July 2007, Published under Cement News

The market is fixated on mergers and acquisitions in the mining sector this month with this spectacular $38.1bn bid by Rio on Alcan, surpassing the previous $28.8bn made by Alcoa.

Rate rises astonish the market

27 June 2007, Published under Cement News

To much surprise, the indexes published by the Baltic for the Cape market have gained more than 1,630 points, i.e. +25% over the last five trading days, and 50% of this rise was done during the last t

Shipping markets on a roll

18 May 2007, Published under Cement News

Another week of strong increases and with a rise of 341 points last week, the BPI reached a new record high of 6,283 points (the last record established was on the 1st of December 2004 with 6,110 pts)

Bulk markets are booming

30 April 2007, Published under Cement News

It’s heating up! The growing interest for all parties to partake in the ever booming bulk market is reflected in all sorts of manners. With strong demand and persisting congestion in Australian coal p

Breaking the records

07 March 2007, Published under Cement News

This is only the third time in history that the 7000 point barrier has been broken for the BCI.

Hungry for tonnage

12 February 2007, Published under Cement News

Since the start of the year, and given that the market has not felt any ignificant downward pressure, both owners and charterers have been hungry for tonnage

Spot activity dominates lower size dry bulk tonn age

17 January 2007, Published under Cement News

In the light of what happened last year and of the predictions coming from both the supply and the demand side, charterers seem to be in the market to secure tonnage for mid and long term commitments.

No clear direction over last week

18 December 2006, Published under Cement News

In the same tango ballet that we have been looking at for a couple of months, freight rates have again danced on the same

Upturn in market but will it last?

04 December 2006, Published under Cement News

The market has been desperately waiting for a clear signal since mid-summer this year, and finally this week the Cape market took the driving seat in an upward trend, not only with the BCI breaking

Iron ore news dominates market trends

30 October 2006, Published under Cement News

Iron ore developments have tended to dominate market discussions over the past fortnight especially with the merger process between Tata steel and Corus going one step forward this week, after Corus’