** IMPORTANT: This report has been superseded by the 15th Edition. If you wish to pre-order the 15th Edition, due September 2023, please visit: https://www.cemnet.com/Publications/Item/191527/the-global-cement-report-15th-edition.html
The Global Cement ReportTM, 14th Edition, featuring key market information for over 170 countries, is widely acknowledged as the leading statistical reference for the worldwide cement sector.
Fully revised with new data covering the 2010-20 period alongside volume forecasts to 2022, this 372-page report provides cement consumption and production figures, import and export statistics as well as recent pricing information and new plant projects – all in the well-known country-by-country format.
In addition, the report contains an in-depth World Overview chapter highlighting the key industry trends, plus Company Profiles of the leading multinational cement producers.
Thoroughly researched by ICR Research’s experienced team of analysts, this report integrates all available market data and combines detailed quantitative analysis with expert assessments to produce the only truly global overview of the cement sector available.
Companion database: subscribers automatically gain access to The Global Cement Report's online statistical database and fully-updated plant directory.
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Purchase the report to gain instant access to our powerful data platform, including the online statistical database and fully updated plant directory. Both databases are accessed via www.CemNet.com
A powerful tool for further analysis
This companion database provides a powerful tool to review and chart the data, or export to excel for further analysis.
The online platform provides access to an historical time series database for 2010-20 and forecasts for 2021-22 with annual volume statistics for production (Mt), consumption (Mt), import and export (Mt), capacity (Mta) and per capita consumption (kg).
View the statistical database
Tracking plant capacities across the world
The fully-redesigned online plant directory is regularly updated as we track plant capacities across the world.
Over 2500 plants are listed and displayed with their capacities and geolocation on an interactive mapping platform. Moreover, information about ownership as well as new plant and capacity expansions is also available.
View the cement plant directory.