Supplier Directory / Castolin Ges m b H
Castolin Ges m b H
Brunner Strasse 69
AT - 1235 Vienna Austria
Eutectic Castolin has a long history ofsupporting the cement industry in repair, maintenance andproviding wear/corrosion solutions. Our unique Global CEMTECProgram strengthens this support by networking our dedicatedcement engineers, their successful repair/wear/corrosionapplications and best practice procedures. Site surveys, On-siteTraining, Application Reports, Method Statements, Tour Guides,etc demonstrate the substantial cost saving possible through theadoption of a repair and maintenance program. Innovative wear,corrosion and joining technologies (welding, thermal spray, wearplates, polymers) have allowed cement plants to extend the lifeof key cement components or repair broken parts thus increasingproduction, reducing expensive downtime and spare part inventorycosts. Castolin Eutectic recently became part of MESSER EutecticCastolin, headquartered in Germany. This exciting new companyoffers an expanded product range, experience going back to 1898,sales in 105 countries and ISO 9001 certified manufacturing in 4continents. To learn more about our cost saving approach visitour web site.
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