Cement News tagged under: Bolivia

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Ecebol opens tenders for Oruro project, Bolivia

19 March 2014, Published under Cement News

Empreso Pública Productiva Cementos de Bolivia (Ecebol) has opened the tenders for the design, equipment supply, construction and commissioning for its greenfield Oruro cement works. Nine companies are bidding for the BOB1.7m (US$246,033) project. This process is important as it starts a project which is much-needed in the country as it not only generates economic and employment opportunities for Bolivians, but also offers the construction industry a product which meets international stan...

Bolivia: gas deal for Yacuses plant

28 January 2014, Published under Cement News

A cement plant in Yacuses, Bolivia, being constructed by Itacamba has received government authorisation to take delivery of natural gas to fire its new kiln line. Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) will deliver 250,000m3 as well as a US$15m-long pipeline which will be connected to Brazil, according to the agreement with YPFB. Construction of the US$200m cement line is expected to start in April and will see capacity rise by 0.2Mta to 0.85Mta by April 2015. The additional...

Bolivia announces Peruvian cement import

07 November 2013, Published under Cement News

Insumos Bolivia plans the import of Peruvian cement to meet the shortage of cement in Bolivia’s domestic market. It has approached Yura de Perú for the delivery of Portland cement.  The government body has denied reports of supply problems and maintains it holds a stock of 80,000 bags. The imports would be purchased “to supply the construction sector with a quality product and without sales restrictions. The sale of cement primarily occurs in La Paz, Santa Cruz y Cochabamba, which have...

Fancesa to open bidding process for new plant, Bolivia

15 October 2013, Published under Cement News

Bolivian cement producer Fancesa will put out its planned new cement works out to tender next year. Mirko Gardilcic, Fancesa manager, said the new works will be a split-site plant with the clinker factory in the outskirts of Sucre while the grinding unit will be built near Santa Cruz de la Sierra. The new facilities will increase Fancesa’s current production capacity by 40 per cent. The US$220m investment will be financed with accumulated funds to the tune of US$70m while the remainder...

Ecebol to cover 22% Bolivian cement demand

19 September 2013, Published under Cement News

Ecebol, the state-owned cement project, is expected to cover 22 per cent of Bolivia’s cement demand when it is completed in 2018, announced the Bolivian president Evo Morales. The new plant will cost US$306m and have a cement production capacity of 1.13Mta. As reported earlier, the government authorised the release of US$244m for the implementation, operation and commissioning of the works. Meanwhile, the executive director of Insumo Bolivia, Óscar Sandy, said that there is no shor...

Bolivia authorises Ecebol new plant spend

18 September 2013, Published under Cement News

The government of Bolivia has authorised the release of US$244,928,439 to Empresa Pública Cementos Boliviana (Ecebol) for the implementation, operation and commissioning of a cement works in Oruro. The Banco de Desarrollo Productivo is making the resources available in the form of a 20-year credit with three years grace. The loan will have a fixed annual interest of one per cent with annual repayments. No project deadlines or a specific construction site has been established for the ...

Bolivia’s Tarija government studies new cement plant option

05 September 2013, Published under Cement News

The government of Tarija, Bolivia, is studying the possibility of building a cement plant on the back of limestone deposits in the department, said Cyrus Rose, Tarija’s productive development director. “We will start by signing an agreement to the quantification and qualification of the limestone,” he said. It is expected that the study will take 12 months and according to Mr Rose, the technical and market studies will determine whether the project will go ahead. He further stressed ...

Bolivia to import more cement as demand rises

20 August 2013, Published under Cement News

The manager of Insumos Bolivia, Óscar Sandi, said if the seasonal demand for cement in Bolivia continues to growth, the state-owned body will increase cement imports. "I do not think there were supply problems as such, there may have been delays in deliveries, but (the supply) is guaranteed. If there is unmet demand, we will import according to the volumes required, " he said. Official data indicated that cement output in the first half of 2013 rose 8.5 per cent YoY.               

Bolivia's producers optimistic on buoyant market

09 August 2013, Published under Cement News

In the past three years, Bolivian cement demand has increased between 9-10 per cent annually, according to the Bolivian Institute of Cement and Concrete (IBCH). The organisation also expects this growth rate to continue over the next two years. "Low interest rates and the availability of money in the economy certainly have boosted residential construction of all types," said Marcelo Alfaro, CEO of IBCH and added that the level of income the country currently receives and large infrastruct...

Bolivia: Fancesa increases output 18%

22 July 2013, Published under Cement News

Bolivia’s Fábrica Nacional de Cemento SA (Fancesa) increased its production by 18 per cent, delivering an extra 11,000 bags of cement to the market. "We were with 51,000 bags of cement and 62,000 dispatched now, our projection is to reach 72,000 bags of cement per day" said Fancesa director, Luis Ayllon. In Santa Cruz, Fancesa’s main market, daily deliveries increased from 26,000 to 34,000 bags.